国際会議(ICEMT 2024)本研究室4年生1名が論文発表

2024年6月22日から24日まで、早稲田大学 井深大記念ホールで開かれた国際会議International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology 2024 (ICEMT 2024)で、

陳教授の研究室に所属している4年生周韬さんが研究成果を発表しました。(ACM に掲載される予定)

Title: Active Study: An Architecture for Decentralized Learning Data Aggregation and Management Based on ActivityPub

*ICEMT 2024:The 8th International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology

*ACM:Association for Computing Machinery

IoT-Life 2024 B (Philippines) CFP

The 6th International Workshop on Impact of Internet of Things on Daily Life (IoT-Life)

                                               November 5-8, 2024 – Boracay Island, Malay, Philippines                                                      on  The 9th IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress  (IEEE CyberSciTech 2024)

Important Dates

Submission of Papers for  Workshop: July 15, 2024

Acceptance of Papers Notification for Workshop: August 15, 2024

Final Paper Camera-ready Submission of  Workshop: September 15, 2024

Goal of the workshop.

In the recent decade, with the continuing rise of the application of big data on the Internet of things (IoT) in many countries, an unprecedented super-smart society (Society 5.0) has arrived. There has been an increasing demand on developing daily life supporting services utilizing the Internet of things. IoT as an advanced paradigm to connect physical and virtual things for enhanced services, has been introduced that can provide significant improvements in the Improving the convenience of life. Several researches have been devoted to address daily life supporting requirements utilizing IoT-based systems. 

This workshop aims to provide a forum for researchers to present thoughts and results for the most recent advances in different aspects of IoT and the support of human daily life. We encourage the submission of papers with new theory, analysis, methods, and applications, include but are not limited to the topics of systems, human-machine interactions, and cybernetics.

Corresponding Topics.

Sensors and Smart Objects for Daily Life IoT on Smart Education
Wireless Sensor Networks for Daily Life Eye-tracking for Data Collection
Block-chain Application on Daily Life Motion Capture & Analysis
Data Collection and Analysis for IoT Intelligence Transportation
Security and Privacy for IoT Smart Homes and Smart Cities
Medical Applications for IoT Generative Artificial Intelligence
IoT on Smart Agriculture Metaverse Application
IoT Architectures, Systems Human Behavior Classification and Prediction
IoT Big data, Mobile Services Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare
IoT Information Management Building Information Modeling and City Information Modeling


Coming Soon.


IoT-Life 2024 A (Malaysia) CFP

The 5th International Workshop on Impact of Internet of Things on Daily Life (IoT-Life)

                                    Borneo Convention Centre Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia 7 – 10 October 2024                                    on  International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC2024)

Important Dates

Submission of Papers for  Workshop: April 8, 2024

Acceptance of Papers Notification for Workshop: May 30, 2024

Final Paper Camera-ready Submission of  Workshop: July 15, 2024

Deadline for Early Bird Registrations: August 3, 2024

Deadline for Late Registration: October 4, 2024

Goal of the workshop.

In the recent decade, with the continuing rise of the application of big data on the Internet of things (IoT) in many countries, an unprecedented super-smart society (Society 5.0) has arrived. There has been an increasing demand on developing daily life supporting services utilizing the Internet of things. IoT as an advanced paradigm to connect physical and virtual things for enhanced services, has been introduced that can provide significant improvements in the Improving the convenience of life. Several researches have been devoted to address daily life supporting requirements utilizing IoT-based systems. 

This workshop aims to provide a forum for researchers to present thoughts and results for the most recent advances in different aspects of IoT and the support of human daily life. We encourage the submission of papers with new theory, analysis, methods, and applications, include but are not limited to the topics of systems, human-machine interactions, and cybernetics.

Corresponding Topics.

Sensors and Smart Objects for Daily Life IoT on Smart Education
Wireless Sensor Networks for Daily Life Eye-tracking for Data Collection
Block-chain Application on Daily Life Motion Capture & Analysis
Data Collection and Analysis for IoT Intelligence Transportation
Security and Privacy for IoT Smart Homes and Smart Cities
Medical Applications for IoT Generative Artificial Intelligence
IoT on Smart Agriculture Metaverse Application
IoT Architectures, Systems Human Behavior Classification and Prediction
IoT Big data, Mobile Services Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare
IoT Information Management Building Information Modeling and City Information Modeling


Coming Soon.

List of Potential Papers

  • 1, Developing a multimodal authentication system for smart glasses based on signature and finger movements, Xiangyu Su, Tokyo University of Technology
  • 2, A Deep Learning-driven Aerial Dialing PIN Code Input Authentication System Design via Personal Hand Features, Jun Wang, Tokyo University of Technology
  • 3, Research on reverse loading behavior based on eye movement behavior and motion capture, Qirun Wang, Tokyo University of Technology
  • 4, Research on privacy protection base on blockchain sharing system, Ayaz Akbar, Luyang Wang ,Chang’an University
  • 5, Developing a Ubiquitous Sensing Healthcare System for the Elderly Living Support, Hong Chen, Daiichi Institute of Technology, Japan


国際会議(IEEE CyberSciTech 2023)において本研究室3年生2名が論文発表

2023年11月14日から17日まで、Abu Dhabi, UAEで開かれた国際会議 IEEE CyberSciTech/PICom/DASC/CBDCom 2023(IEEE CyberSciTech 2023)で、陳教授の研究室に所属している3年生2名周韬さん,倪昀昊さんが研究成果を発表しました。


Smart Home Integration and Data Sharing with ActivityPub and UPOD

本研究では、スマートホームのデータ断片化とセキュリティ問題に対処するため、ActivityPubプロトコルを採用し、異なる企業のIoTデバイス間の相互接続を実現します。このUbiquitous Personalized House Smart Systemにより、ユーザーは自身のスマートホームとソーシャルネットワークのデータを一元管理し、データ共有の対象と範囲を自決します。また、デジタルツイン技術の実現に必要な、個人の完全な社交ネットワークデータとIoTデータを提供し、よりパーソナライズされたサービスの提供に寄与します。


Design and Implementation of a UPOD for Decentralized IoT Data Platform Based on the ActivityPub Protocol




(左1:陳泓 教授;左2:倪昀昊;中间:周韬;右1:武博 教授,東京工科大学;右2:馬建華 教授, Steering Committee Chair,法政大学)

Gala Dinner and Award Ceremony


(左1:陳泓 教授;左2:周韬;左3:朱依水 教授,长安大学;右1:武博 教授,東京工科大学;右2:周暁康 教授, Program Chair,滋賀大学;右三:倪昀昊)


IEEE Outstanding Service Award を受賞しました。


Smart Home Integration and Data Sharing with ActivityPub and UPOD


Design and Implementation of a UPOD for Decentralized IoT Data Platform Based on the ActivityPub Protocol


当研究室の3年生2名は、IoTを利用したキャンパス健康情報システムに関する論文がIEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress 2023 (CyberSciTech 2023)に採択されました。


  • Title: Design and Implementation of a UPOD for Decentralized IoT Data Platform Based on the ActivityPub Protocol
  • Author(s): Yunhao Ni, Tao Zhou, Xinzhe Gao, Hong Chen


  • Title: Smart Home Integration and Data Sharing with ActivityPub and UPOD
  • Author(s): Tao Zhou, Yunhao Ni, Xinzhe Gao, Hong Chen