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陳  泓 博士 / Hong Chen, Ph.D.

陳泓 博士于日本东京早稻田大学获得人间科学博士学位。目前,他是日本第一工科大学 東京上野校区的教授,并担任早稻田大学人文科学高级研究中心的特邀研究员。他的研究方向主要涉及信息科学、电子工程以及以人为中心的智能系统。

陳博士长期从事跨学科研究,重点关注泛在个人学习(UPS)个性化数据模型以及基于物联网的健康管理系统。他的研究致力于构建智能计算环境,推动用户中心的信息处理、协作式信息检索以及智能设备交互技术的发展。他已在国际期刊和会议上发表20余篇学术论文,并在**《ACM Computing Reviews》**评选中,其研究成果被列为“2012年度全球优秀计算机学术著作”之一。


研究領域/Research Areas

AIoT, Big Data, Human-centered intelligent system , Decentered digital environment suitable for individuals

  1. [VPDL]
    虚拟个人电子图书馆 :个人数据框架 /
    Virtual Personal Digital Library, 1996
  2. [UPS]
    普适个人书斋(UPS):聚合和共享个人数据框架 /
    Ubiquitous Personal Study(UPS): A Framework for Supporting Information Access and Sharing, 2006
  3. [UPOD]
    去中心化聚合和共享物联网个人数据的普适个人在线档案 (UPOD)/
    Ubiquitous Personal Online Data Storage (UPOD) for a decentralized personal cloud data model to aggregate and share IoT data, 2019
  4. [Ubi-Care]
    用 UPOD 为老年人提供居家养老环境的去中心化普适传感医疗保健系统 /
    Ubi-Care: a Decentralized Ubiquitous Sensing Healthcare System for the Elderly Living Support, 2019
  5. [Ubi-City]
    用 UPOD 聚合物联网数据并共享到智慧城市 /
    Using a Ubiquitous Personal Online Datastore for Aggregating and Sharing IoT Data to Smart City, 2022
  6. [Ubi-Home]
    用 UPOD 聚合和共享智能家居物联网数据 /
    Smart Home IoT Data Aggregation and Sharing Using UPOD

AIoT, Big Data, Human-centric intelligent systems, Ubiquitous Computing, Decentralized Network, Personal Online Datastore, Meta Data, IoT


学会活动/Academic Activity


  • ICEMT 2024 (International Conference on Education and Multimedia), Technical Committee
  • HCI 2024 (Human-Computer Interaction 2024), Board Member
  • IEEE SMC2024  (International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics) Guest Editor and Co-Chair of the 5rd Workshop on Impact of Internet of Things on Daily Life(IoT-Life 5) 
  • IEEE CyberSciTech 2024 (Cyber Science and Technology Congress), International Liaison & Publicity Chairs, Guest Editor and Co-Chair of the 6rd Workshop on Impact of Internet of Things on Daily Life (IoT-Life 6 )


  • ICEMT 2024 (International Conference on Education and Multimedia), Technical Committee
  • HCI 2025 (Human-Computer Interaction 2025)
  • IEEE CyberSciTech 2025

