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陳  泓 博士 / Hong Chen, Ph.D.

第一工科大学教授, 信息电子工学系,第一工科大学 東京上野校区
Professor, Department of Informatics and Electronics, DAIICHI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY

Invited Researcher, Advanced Research Center for Human Sciences, Waseda University

早稲田大学 博士(人类信息学, Human Informatics)
電気通信大学 修士(情報系统科学, Information Management Science)
浙江大学 学士(情報電子工学, Information Science and Electronic Engineering)

研究領域/Research Areas

AIoT, Big Data, Human-centered intelligent system , Decentered digital environment suitable for individuals

  1. [VPDL]
    虚拟个人电子图书馆 :个人数据框架 /
    Virtual Personal Digital Library, 1996
  2. [UPS]
    普适个人书斋(UPS):聚合和共享个人数据框架 /
    Ubiquitous Personal Study(UPS): A Framework for Supporting Information Access and Sharing, 2006
  3. [UPOD]
    去中心化聚合和共享物联网个人数据的普适个人在线档案 (UPOD)/
    Ubiquitous Personal Online Data Storage (UPOD) for a decentralized personal cloud data model to aggregate and share IoT data, 2019
  4. [Ubi-Care]
    用 UPOD 为老年人提供居家养老环境的去中心化普适传感医疗保健系统 /
    Ubi-Care: a Decentralized Ubiquitous Sensing Healthcare System for the Elderly Living Support, 2019
  5. [Ubi-City]
    用 UPOD 聚合物联网数据并共享到智慧城市 /
    Using a Ubiquitous Personal Online Datastore for Aggregating and Sharing IoT Data to Smart City, 2022
  6. [Ubi-Home]
    用 UPOD 聚合和共享智能家居物联网数据 /
    Smart Home IoT Data Aggregation and Sharing Using UPOD

AIoT, Big Data, Human-centric intelligent systems, Ubiquitous Computing, Decentralized Network, Personal Online Datastore, Meta Data, IoT


学会活动/Academic Activity

  • ICEMT 2024 (International Conference on Education and Multimedia), Technical Committee
  • HCI 2024 (Human-Computer Interaction 2024), Board Member
  • SMC2024  Guest Editor and Co-Chair of the 5rd Workshop on Impact of Internet of Things on Daily Life(IoT-Life 5) 
  • IEEE CyberSciTech 2024, International Liaison & Publicity Chairs, Guest Editor and Co-Chair of the 6rd Workshop on Impact of Internet of Things on Daily Life (IoT-Life 6 )

